Click on the picture above to watch the introduction video.
Mentoring has been around for a long time and we all think we know what it is. However, over the years, mentoring has developed into a significant field of study with multiple applications in education.
In our course we will have the opportunity to build our understanding of the subject through some reading (and videos) from experts, videos about projects in different contexts, and mainly by discussing our discovery and doubt with each other during synchronous class time as well as the online asynchronous forum.
We will discuss difference between mentoring and other areas such as coaching, tutoring, teaching, friendship, advice, and so on. We will discuss what mentoring looks like in school and discuss whether the concept of "good students helping struggling students" is the best model for our contexts.
After the course you will feel confident of your ability to contribute to a mentoring project within your own school context — whether that be a mentoring programme for students or teachers.
The course is built around this shared discovery and learning community rather than through presentation of content via a more traditional instructional model.
Our motto will be "There is comfort in the learning zone, and no learning in the comfort zone!"
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